Once a tenant is created and enabled, then the tenant admin can log in to the Alfresco Web Client and access the Administration Console within the context of their tenant domain. If for example, a tenant/organisation called ‘acme’ is created, the tenant admin can log in as ‘admin@acme’ and create users such as ‘alice@acme’, ‘bob@acme’, ‘eve@acme’.
The admin features currently available to the tenant admin include:
- Manage system users (including user Usages and Quotas)
- Manage user groups
- Category management
- Import
- Export (*)
- System information
- Node browser
Note (*) - a ‘Complete Repository’ export will be within the context of the tenant (or non-tenant) admin.
文档更新时间: 2019-05-23 22:37 作者:凌云文档