Categories are treated as special PATHs to nodes.

There are not true child relationships between category type nodes and the things they categorize. However, these links can be searched using the special ‘member’ QName. (If you try to follow these relationships via the node service this will not work.)

Categories themselves can be identified by a path starting with the QName of the aspect derived from ‘cm:classifiable’ that defines them.

The following examples use the bootstrap categories. These are all categories in the ‘cm:generalclassifiable’ classification.

To find all root categories in the classification:


If you know there is a ‘cm:software Document Classification’ category but you do not know at what level it exists, and you want the direct members:
如果你知道有一个’cm:software Document Classification’类别,但你不知道它存在于什么层次,而你想要获取该类别下的直接节点:

Note: If there are two categories with the same association QName, both will be found.


If you know there is a ‘cm:software Document Classification’ category but you do not know at what level it exists, and you want all members:
如果你知道有一个’cm:software Document Classification’类别,但你不知道它存在于什么层次,而你想要获取该类别下的所有节点:


To find direct subclassifications of ‘cm:software Document Classification’ is more complex as you need to find any children that are not members of the category (such as things that are children but have not been categorized):
要查找“cm:software Document Classification”的直接子类,则更为复杂,因为您需要过滤掉不属于类别的任何直接子类(例如属于子类但尚未分类的内容):


To find all subclassifications of ‘cm:software Document Classification’ is more complex as you need to find any children that are not members of the category (such as things that are children but have not been categorized):
要查找“cm:software Document Classification”的所有子类,则更为复杂,因为您需要过滤掉不属于类别的所有子类(例如属于子类但尚未分类的内容):


If you know ‘cm:software Document Classification’ is a root category you could miss the first //.
For example, to find the direct members of the top level category ‘cm:software Document Classification’:
如果您知道“cm:software Document Classification”是根类别,则可以省略第一个//.
例如,要查找顶级类别“cm:software Document Classification”的直接成员:

文档更新时间: 2020-02-10 20:57   作者:凌云文档