具体的全文搜索语法详见本文档后面的 Alfresco全文搜索

Full text searches can be done in two ways. If the attribute cm:abstract is of type d:content, then its full text content will be indexed and searchable in exactly the same way as d:text attributes shown previously. You will be able to search against the text of the content, proving there is a translation to the mimetype text/plain.
全文搜索有两种方式。如果属性cm:abstract是d:content类型,那么它的全文内容将以与前面显示的d:text属性完全相同的方式进行索引和搜索。您将能够根据内容的文本进行搜索,以证明存在对mimetype text/plain的翻译。

So if cm:abstract contains the plain text ‘The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’, you could find the node holding the property using:
因此,如果cm:abstract包含纯文本“the quick brown fox jumpted over the lazy dog”,则可以使用以下命令找到包含该属性的节点:

@cm\:abstract:'brown fox'

You can also use the TEXT field - this accumulates a broad full text search over all d:content type properties of the node.
So to find nodes that have the word ‘lazy’ in any content property:


Content may not be indexed correctly for several reasons. Currently, these failures are recorded by inserting special tokens.
These failures are not retried.

the content was not indexed as no appropriate transformation to text/plain was available.

the content was not indexed as the transformation to text/plain failed with an exception.

the content was not indexed as no content was found in the content store.

You can search for these tokens to find documents that had indexing problems. These tokens will also work in the UI search.


All uploaded content is tokenized according to the users locale. (It is not yet possible to specify locale on upload). At search time, the users locale is used for tokenization. Locale(s) can also be explicitly specified using the SearchParameters object.

A search is performed in the users locale except for d:mltext and d:content attributes which can be found in other locales as specified on the search parameters. Content will also be found in the locales specified on the search parameters if the tokens generated match those in other languages. The content part of the query only generates tokens in one language. However, those tokens are looked for in all the languages specified on the search parameters.

文档更新时间: 2020-02-10 17:35   作者:凌云文档