目录 搜索 介绍(Introduction)搜索API(The Search API)搜索参数(Search Parameters)API调用示例(Example API Call)try...finally pattern索引的配置选项(Config options for indexing)Lucene影响索引和搜索的数据字典设置理解分词(Understanding tokenization)简单查询(Simple Queries)可查询字段摘要(Summary of queryable fields)不应使用且可能被删除的字段查询分析器(The query parser)Finding Nodes By TypeFinding nodes that have a particular aspectFinding nodes by text property valuesFinding nodes by integer or long property valuesFinding nodes by float and double property valuesFinding nodes by boolean property valuesFinding nodes by contentFinding nodes by content mimetypeFinding nodes by date and time property valuesFinding nodes by QNameSearching Multilingual Text Fields路径查询(Path Queries)分类查询(Category Queries)组合查询(Combined Queries)参数化查询(Parameterized Queries)查询排序(Queries that sort)通配符查询(Wild card queries)范围查询(Range Queries)无限范围查询(Unbounded range queries)索引中的字段(Fields in the index)Fields present on all entriesFields present on node entriesFields present on container entriesXPath1 XPath search using the node service2 Searching using the searcher componentExample QueriesISO 9075 encoding文件句柄和Lucene(File Handles and Lucene)Too many open filesAlfresco全文搜索(Alfresco Full Text Search Reference)搜索一个词(Search for a single term)搜索短语(Search for a phrase)搜索一个确切的词(Search for an exact term)词条扩展(Search for term expansion)“AND”搜索(Search for conjunctions)“OR”搜索(Search for disjunctions)“否定”搜索(Search for negation)可选、必需和排除(optional, mandatory, and excluded)在字段中搜索(Search in fields)通配符(Search for wildcards)范围搜索(Search for ranges)相似匹配搜索(Search for fuzzy matching)邻近搜索(Search for proximity)搜索效率提升(Search for boosts)搜索分组(Search for grouping)搜索跨度和位置(Search for spans and positions)转义字符(Escaping characters)混合FTS和ID搜索(Mixed FTS ID behavior)搜索运算符的优先级(Search for operator precedence)搜索查询语法API(Search query syntax APIs)搜索查询模板(Search query templates)搜索查询常量(Search query literals)使用日期计算搜索(Search using date math) 暂无相关搜索结果! 凌云文档 影响索引和搜索的数据字典设置 Currently, tokenization is set on the data dictionary type (such as d:text). This is picked up from a definition file that matches the locale of the server.目前,标记化是在数据字典类型(如d:text)上设置的。这是从与服务器区域设置匹配的定义文件中提取的。文档更新时间: 2020-02-10 15:57 作者:凌云文档
Currently, tokenization is set on the data dictionary type (such as d:text). This is picked up from a definition file that matches the locale of the server.目前,标记化是在数据字典类型(如d:text)上设置的。这是从与服务器区域设置匹配的定义文件中提取的。文档更新时间: 2020-02-10 15:57 作者:凌云文档