Operator precedence is SQL-like (not Java-like). When there is more than one logical operator in a statement, and they are not explicitly grouped using parentheses, NOT is evaluated first, then AND, and finally OR.

The following shows the operator precedence from highest to lowest:

[, ], <, >
~ (prefix and postfix), =
+, |, -

AND and OR can be combined with +, |, - with the following meanings:

AND (no prefix is the same as +) Explanation
big AND dog big and dog must occur
+big AND +dog big and dog must occur
big AND +dog big and dog must occur
+big AND dog big and dog must occur
big AND |dog big must occur and dog should occur
|big AND dog big should occur and dog must occur
|big AND |dog both big and dog should occur, and at least one must match
big AND -dog big must occur and dog must not occur
-big AND dog big must not occur and dog must occur
-big AND -dog both big and dog must not occur
|big AND -dog big should occur and dog must not occur
OR (no prefix is the same as +) Explanation
dog OR wolf dog and wolf should occur, and at least one must match
+dog OR +wolf dog and wolf should occur, and at least one must match
dog OR +wolf dog and wolf should occur, and at least one must match
+dog OR wolf dog and wolf should occur, and at least one must match
dog OR |wolf dog and wolf should occur, and at least one must match
|dog OR wolf dog and wolf should occur, and at least one must match
|dog OR |wolf dog and wolf should occur, and at least one must match
dog OR -wolf dog should occur and wolf should not occur, one of the clauses must be valid for any result
-dog OR wolf dog should not occur and wolf should occur, one of the clauses must be valid for any result
-dog OR -wolf dog and wolf should not occur, one of the clauses must be valid for any result
文档更新时间: 2020-02-09 16:31   作者:凌云文档