Single terms are tokenized before the search according to the appropriate data dictionary definition(s).

If you do not specify a field, it will search in the content and properties. This is a shortcut for searching all properties of type content. Terms can not contain a whitespace.


Both of these queries will find any nodes with the word “banana” in any property of type d:content.

If the appropriate data dictionary definition(s) for the field supports both FTS and untokenized search, then FTS search will be used. FTS will include synonyms if the analyzer generates them. Terms cannot contain whitespace.
如果字段同时支持FTS和untokenized search,则将使用FTS搜索。如果分析器生成同义词,FTS将包含这些同义词。单词不能包含空格。

文档更新时间: 2020-02-08 20:40   作者:凌云文档